Thursday 16 April 2015

Cung Le Steroid Cycle

Cung Le is one of those MMA fighters that has history and legend behind him. In a way, you can say that it was Cung Le who helped build Strikeforce, especially in the start. It was the talent and performance that he brought to the ring that helped drive fans to the California MMA organization. Some say there would be no Strikeforce if there was no Cung Le.

There is also a history behind the life of Cung Le. He was born in 1975, literally a few days before Saigon fell to the North Communist forces and Americans left.
Le was airlifted with his mother by helicopter. His father had to stay in Vietnam as a prisoner of war, so to speak. Imagine, the poor kid had to live with only his mother in a new world, new culture and new life. His childhood wasn’t easy at all.

Coming to the USA, he was bullied a lot, so he started learning martial arts. This lead him to learn wrestling and become a good Sanshou kick-boxer. As a result of his kickboxing career, he went on to become a great force in the MMA world, making his name in Strikeforce. However, his transition to the UFC was much harder. Until 2008, while he was in Strikeforce, he didn’t lose, but after coming to the UFC, he faced new talent. His Wanderlei Silva fight where he was knocked out really opened his eyes. The top UFC talent forced him to train harder and fight harder, which is likely why he resolved to use performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) to boost his performance. In 2014, he was caught using HGH (human growth hormone) when he was tested after UFC in Macao. As a result, he received a 9 month suspension by the UFC.

It’s fact that Cung Le was caught using HGH, but what’s not fact is if he used other PEDs during his cycle. Since we aren’t too sure of his other use, we’ll try to build his steroid cycle from scratch. Due to the fact that he didn’t test positive for any immediate metabolites of steroids, we’ll assume short esters were used along with the HGH.  Before we do the cycle, you be the judge what steroids or HGH Cung Le might have used by this picture.  This is Mr. Le before and after:

Just as with any steroid cycles, there has to be reason for a particular cycle to be used. In the case of MMA fighters (or any other athletes) who are tested, it’s best to use short acting steroid compounds, so they leave your system fast. Test prop has a short half life and can be stopped a few weeks out from the testing process. Orals like anavar and winstrol, along with cardarine, are usually stopped around 2 weeks out from the actual fight. While N2Guard can be ran most of the time. Basically, we have a perfect short estered, short stack that allows for maximum gains with the least chances of being caught. But, why did he use HGH? After all, he was caught. Well, HGH is mostly used to gain lean mass, have low bodyfat and feel younger. Realistically, post-training recovery is the biggest reason HGH is used in sports.

Growth hormone in the body is released in a pulsating fashion. It has been demonstrated that this pattern promotes growth. The pituitary is capable of rather quickly synthesizing very large amounts of growth hormone which it stores in both a finished and unfinished form. Adults rarely experience growth hormone pulses that completely deplete these stores. As we get older we do not lose the ability to create and store large amounts of growth hormone, rather we experience a diminished capacity to instruct their release. The growth hormone pulse is measured in a wave with the trough being the “off” or non-secretion of growth hormone and the crest being the “on” or highest point during growth hormone secretion.

The volume of growth hormone that is released in the body cannot be properly compared to the administration of synthetic growth hormone for the reason that a set of behavioral characteristics associated with natural growth hormone differ from those of synthetic growth hormone. Therefore attempting to find a natural growth hormone to a synthetic growth hormone equivalency is not very productive because in the end what is probably most important is: The quantity and quality of intracellular signaling events and the degree to which growth hormone stimulates autocrine/paracrine (locally produced/locally used) muscle IGF-1 & post-exercise its splice variant MGF.

Once Human Growth Hormone is present it is largely responsible for cell production, as well as repair and regeneration, which can in-turn lead to growth and higher levels of efficiency within the cells of the body. By the presence of HGH, cell-division is greatly increased, as well as the size and strength in structure of the existing cells. This simply means we now have a larger supply of cells that are structurally stronger with a greater level of efficiency to perform the various tasks they are responsible for.

While there is much to understand if we understand the role HGH plays in the conversion rate of protein cells we begin to understand HGH more thoroughly as this potent peptide is an integral component regarding amino acid conversion. With the presence of Human Growth Hormone and the more that exists the greater this enhancement, we thereby increase the rate of amino acid conversion and when coupled with overall enhanced cellular structure our body’s overall performance and efficiency is increased.

By its very mode of action HGH is extremely anabolic but it is perhaps its overall metabolic properties that have made it such a fascinating hormone for many in recent years and is one of the main reasons it’s often referred to as the fountain of youth. Human Growth Hormone plays a massive role in overall metabolic efficiency and plays a key role in burning stored body-fat. When you consider this immense metabolic increasing power along with the anabolic nature with which it holds you really begin to understand this is a hormone quite unlike any other.

Human Growth Hormone also plays a vital role in-terms of our body’s healing process and for many performance enhancers this is one of the main factors one considers when HGH use is at hand. Tissue repair is essential for all individuals but even more so for the athlete as tissue repair is what brings progress; we must stimulate and tear down in order to buildup and improve. The healing power of this hormone is truly amazing, much of it surrounding both cellular structure enhancing as well as division, thereby increasing the rate in-which we heal along with improving the efficiency of the process overall. It’s actually very simple; the more HGH flowing through your body the faster you’ll heal and the more HGH in your body the greater the structure of the healing will be.

You should already have a pretty decent understanding of Human Growth Hormone from above as understanding its very nature largely shows the benefits that can be obtained. However, it is important to note many of these benefits began to falter in each human being as they age; as you grow older your natural HGH production begins to decline and declines each and every year and often at a rapid rate. This is where biosynthetic supplementation really begins to shine for we can stave off the negative effects of low HGH levels by simple supplementation but of course this does not consider true performance enhancing when we speak of age. Many performance enhancers may not actually be at a stage of rapid HGH decline, yet by supplementing with the hormone and now possessing a larger amount they simply enhance the benefits by-which the hormone already naturally provides. For the HRT patient who is seeking to simply replace lost Human Growth Hormone his or her doses will be relatively low; in most cases it will not take a large amount of this potent hormone to thrive. However, in the world of performance enhancement this is not good enough; in performance enhancement we are not trying to replace but to increase beyond what our body can do on its own, therefor the dosing levels will be much higher and such doses can range dramatically depending on the individual goal(s).

Regardless of one’s purpose and regardless of your sex, those who supplement with Human Growth Hormone can expect to see a host of benefits that will serve them in a host of ways. It is however very important to note, the extent of the benefits will vary based on several key factors including individual response, total dose and duration of use, as well if any other hormones are being exogenous introduced, such as anabolic androgenic steroids. No, you do not have to supplement with anabolic steroids to benefit from HGH use but it will enhance the effects of the Human Growth Hormone tremendously as there is a strong synergetic affect provided.

As for the benefits of supplemental HGH use themselves, attributes include muscle tissue growth, higher metabolic rates, a leaner and tighter physique, increased recovery within the body, increased bone, joint and tendon strength, healthier looking skin, as well as increased energy. Those are some pretty amazing traits but the good news is it does not end there. Human Growth Hormone not only affects our physical state in almost every way imaginable but our mental state as well; those who supplement with HGH will find they have stronger clarity of thought, they are able to focus more clearly and even enjoy an overall improved sense of well-being; individuals who suffer from low HGH levels may indeed find they suffer from depression. While depression is only one issue of low levels there are many other consequences as well and to understand them we only need to say each benefit you will receive from HGH use will suffer when levels are too low; low HGH provides the exact opposite of supplemental use. We can also apply this thinking to performance enhancement; while an HRT patient will enjoy the mentioned HGH benefits the performance enhancer will enjoy them to an even greater degree as his or her doses will be much higher.

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