Tuesday 2 July 2013

Bodybuilding and healthy lifestyle

While Jay Cutler has the most dominant physique on the planet in today's times, it does not go without saying that a large part of that is because of mass rather than an aesthetically pleasing physique. "The gift", on the other hand, has a near-perfect structure of huge delts, big arms, a tiny waist, and a chiselled midsection . At only 31 years old, Heath is clearly the most talented body-builder and even has plenty of room for improvement.

The former D1 Basketball player has transferred his hard work and self discipline into the sport of body-building and has received plenty of accolades. In his rookie debut at the Olympia, he finished an impressive top 3 finish. If not for a stomach virus within 24 hours of the 2009 Olympia, Heath might have won it for coming in with such great conditioning and detail. Looking to rebound off of a 2010 second place finish at the incumbent-heavy Olympia, Heath is looking to take the reign from Jay Cutler to be the next multi-year winner.

Band One-arm Shoulder Press:
Getting set: Stand on top of one end of the band near the handle so that your feet are hip-width apart. Hold the other handle in your right hand and place your
left hand on your hip, right palm facing forward. Raise your right hand to shoulder height so that your elbow is bent, your upper arm is parallel to the floor, and your palm is facing forward. Keep your head centred between your shoulders, pull your abdominals in, and relax your knees.

The exercise: Straighten your arm overhead and then slowly bend your arm
until your elbow is slightly below shoulder height, but no lower. After you’ve completed a set with your right arm, do an equal number of reps with your left.

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