Friday 10 January 2014

Blood sugar and healthy life

Keeping your blood sugar level down is an significant portion of staying in good and well. If you do not learn to control your blood sugar level then you can grow your chances of developing class 2 diabetes and this makes it particularly critical if you have a history of diabetes in your relatives. Meanwhile glucose can cause damage to your organs and arteries and can cause hyperactivity or lethargy.
Insulin is one way to command your blood sugar level, as insulin is the chemical in the body that we use to process and utilize the glucose in our body for liveliness. Unless you already have diabetes however you should first try to get your blood sugar levels down naturally and there are many ways to do this simply. Really drinking lots of distilled water for example is one easy way to keep your blood sugar down. The reason for this is that it helps to 'flush' the cadaver of your glucose and makes you need the toilet more. This is why you get so thirsty and need the toilet lots when you do have diabetes – it is your corpse trying to tell you to drink up and flush your system.
Meanwhile you can similarly decrease your blood sugar easily by getting regular exercise. This should mean about half an hour daily and this will also help to improve many other areas of your health and well being.

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