Wednesday 11 February 2015

How and why famous celebrities build muscle?

If you're looking to add muscle mass to your frame, hitting the weights hard is a given. Quality time in the gym begins a cascade of changes that will stimulate your muscles to grow bigger in response to the challenges you throw their way. It's tempting to think that's all it takes to add muscle to your body. After all, you can actually feel your biceps growing after an intense set of curls.

That pump is tangible, real-time biofeedback to let you know that blood is flowing to your muscle cells, beginning a chain of events that stimulates protein synthesis. Maybe that's why it's easy to overlook how important good nutrition is in the mass-building equation. When you choose to eat, say, chicken instead of ice cream, there's no immediate muscle gratification no pump to keep you motivated.
Eating for muscle is just as important as lifting for muscle. The foods you grab in the morning on the way to work, the meals you pack for lunch and mid-afternoon, what you put into your body immediately following your workout, and your final meal of the day impact your results as much as, if not more than, the number of reps you squeeze out at the end of a set. But in reality, it can be tough to stick to a "clean" diet when you're busy. We know that adding another layer of complexity to life in the form of reading food labels and studying ingredient lists just isn't an option for most of us.

It's always a wonder how male celebrities quickly transform into a better shape in a matter of months. For most guys who do hard exercise and strict diet, they don't seem to get as much results in the same amount of time celebrities do. Though supplements that celebrities use aren't a big surprise, knowing the right ones are key to achieving desired results.

Celebrities like Hugh Jackman and Gerard Butler are among the many Hollywood actors that use muscle-building and fat-burning supplements that gained them their "Action Star" physique. It goes without saying that their bodies were a result of combined exercise, supplements, and diet. On the exercise part, surely they had the best opportunities as they were provided Hollywood-grade trainers to help them shape up. In health magazines, most Hollywood actors share their workout routines and diet plans. But not all men are of the same body build. One workout and diet work for one person, and it doesn't for the other.

Ever since the dawn of bodybuilding fame came to rise, there had been numerous brands and types of supplements that promise muscle-building results. Often, it provides dramatic changes only to show inconsistency in the long run. Some have adverse side effects that ruin one man's health.

The term androgen, basically means D-Bol is the best steroid for elevating your testosterone levels to ridiculous levels. Raising testosterone, via D-Bol, is the fastest route to huge gains in size. Arnold Schwarzenegger was thought to have used D-Bol regularly when prepping for his Mr Olympia triumphs. Then you have “combination” steroids that work incredibly well in sync with androgen-based compounds. For example, Deca, is probably the most powerful steroid to stack with an androgen-based steroid (like D-Bol) and can lead to big and fast increases in muscular hypertrophy. However, Trenbolone is also very effective and can work just as well as Deca for some people. Stacking steroids together in this way i.e. combining androgens and non-androgen steroids simultaneously is your best bet for getting jacked in a hurry. Dbol raises your metabolism incredibly, thus eating in a big calorie surplus will help you gain even more mass with this steroid. This will put your body into anabolic overdrive – where your protein synthesis levels will go through the roof and your body will enter a state of muscle building 24 hours a day.

If you want to see some serious results in your bulking workouts, Dianabol is certainly one steroid you don’t want to skip out on. Simply put, it’s the most effective out there. Bodybuilders that use this in their workout plan, such as myself, can see improved muscle mass, strength, and performance in just 4-6 weeks of use. Dianabol is a 17 alpha alkylated steroid and is orally applicable with a great effect on protein metabolism. Dianabol effects protein synthesis and supports a buildup of protein as a result. This setting results in a positive nitrogen balance which can also have a positive effect on well being. Dianabol is a very powerful steroid, in terms of both androgenic and anabolic effects on the user. The result of these effects will result in a great buildup of muscle mass and strength in a relatively quick period of time. That said, its main use is in mass building stacks. Dianabol is commonly combined with injectable testosterone products such as Enanthate, Cypionate and Sustanon, largely to "kick-start" the cycle to improve gains in muscle mass, strength and improve muscle pumps before the longer acting above mentioned testosterone esters go into full effect (this can often take several weeks or more, as in the case of Sustanon, which contains two long acting esters which slow its start time).

A weight gain of 2-4 pounds each week for six weeks is normal when using dianabol (combined with proper nutrition and training of course). This increase in weight results from the hypertrophy (growth) of muscle fibers, as well as water retention. This is due to the fact that Dianabol aromatizes easily and as a result has high estrogenic properties. Since Dianabol aromatizes so heavily, it is important to keep ancillary drugs such as anti-estrogens like Nolvadex or its weaker counterpart Clomid on hand in case symptoms of gyno show up during cycle. Proviron will also aid in this regard. Due to the heavy aromatizing properties of Dianabol, it should not be used by bodybuilders nearing competition, as excess water retention is not desireable at such a time. Since dianabol is a 17-AA steroid, it should be noted that it is liver toxic if used in high doses or over extended periods of time (or both). 15-40 mg of Dianabol per day should be sufficient for the steroid novice, and this dose should not be ran for much more than 4-6 weeks at most, and used mainly to kick-start a cycle as mentioned above. Dianabol only cycles are a poor idea for the novice, since Dianabol is a more powerful agent than most injectable steroids and the athlete should work up to a level in which Dianabol can be used safely in a steroid stack. It is important to understand your body's propensity for side effects and starting slowly is very important.

Dianabol is a steroid for the slightly more advanced athlete. Dianabol only cycles generally involve a higher dose of Dianabol (closer to 40 mg a day) to elicit favorable results - as a result such cycles are generally advised against. When stacked, less Dianabol is needed since the injectable steroid is also aiding the muscle building properties desired. The use of Dianabol in a low dose only to jump start a steroid cycle is the most that is generally recommended for the first time steroid user, and sometimes even this is considered too much, as testosterone only cycles are sufficient for those new to steroids for great gains in both strength and mass. The only benefit Dianabol would add (stressing once again, at a relatively low dose which is all that is required for the first time user) is the psychological edge that the jump-start in the cycle would provide. Such an edge may make an individual more likely to strictly adhere to anabolic training and nutrition principles for the beginning of the cycle when motivation is not otherwise at its peak.

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